Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Image Generating

One of the assignments for the 23-things is to explore image generating site. Now, I'm 22 and pretty proficient with Tumblr, so this is no new territory for me. But I did manage to find a few themes I had never seen before.

This is me as a super-hero (image based on a simple 10-question quiz):
Create yours here.
Next, I found a website that lets you "sharkify" yourself. But I thought Michael Fassbender would look better as a shark than I would. Seeing as how, you know, he's already one.

Make one of you or another water-predatorial celebrity here.

Then (and this is my favorite) I made a de-motivational poster all of my own.

Do it here (although I had trouble getting my poster to download so I had to use my Windows Snipping Tool to get it).

Have fun!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Quick Edit on Halloween

So, when I made the post about the number of trick-or-treaters we had on Halloween night, only about thirty had come through, but I was still impressed. Little did I know we would have 493 patrons that night.

Four-hundred and ninety-three!

That's probably about a week's worth of patrons all in one night, just to put things in a bit of perspective. We're rarely actually busy here.

Eventually, we ran out of candy - having anticipated maybe fifty kids - and had to put the world's most disappointing sign on the door: "Sorry, we are out of candy. Happy Halloween!"

After that, the chillens stopped coming in. I guess I'm not surprised.

But still - 493 people! Just thought I'd share.